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Send timestamp array parameter to PostgreSQL function

i have developed a pgplsql function to receive array of dates the return the maximum date, but its not able to call the function: select 1, arcfm.array_max_date('{2022-02-03, 2022-06-05}'::timestamp[]) as max_date_time; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arcfm.array_max_date(in dates_array timestamp[])     RETURNS timestamp     LANGUAGE…


How To convert array in string like to concate string with first array word like array[0].'->'.array[1] – PHP

$arr = ['Governance->Policies->Prescriptions->CAS Alerts', 'Users->User Departments->Department Hierarchy', 'Settings->Registrar->Finance', 'Logs->Second Opinion Log']; This is array and I want to convert it into string like below The string should be one it just concate in one string. Governance->Policies Governance->Prescriptions Governance->CAS Alerts Users->User…

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