How filter posts by Year on WordPress
How to filter posts by year, by a custom field? $args = array( 'post_type' => 'movies', 'showposts' => '28', 'meta_value' => array( 'release_date' => '2021-09-01', ), );
How to filter posts by year, by a custom field? $args = array( 'post_type' => 'movies', 'showposts' => '28', 'meta_value' => array( 'release_date' => '2021-09-01', ), );
I am trying to remove 3 of my yellow objects in my array 'deck'. The array is made of Cards objects. I used: var counter = 3 var newArr = arr.filter { if counter > 0, $0 == yellow {…
The code below produces an array of ids for all the published post types // Test Function add_action('wp_head', 'testa'); function testa() { $city = get_post_meta( 47, 'wpsl_city', true ); // Echos the correct meta for a single id $all_post_ids =…
$wpdb-> update('Gen3', array( 'tvalue' => "1"), array('id' => 1)); Table: id name tvalue 25 #25 0 I want to change tvalue to 1. But I cannot get my code to work. I tried many options and neither of them works.…
I have a custom post type called "papers" and I need to create an array with all the archive links per year that exists. Something like: array ( [0]=> '' [1]=> ''// cause there's no post in 2020 [2]=> ''…
I am making a checkers game and the following code causes an application not responding dialog when in operation. How can i make the code efficient and remove the Anr dialog. public void drawPawns() { for(int i=0; i<playableTileView.length; i++) {…
My application is MVC 5, using Kendo UI Jquery editable grid. One of the column is a dropdownlist using: { field: "ApplicableCourse_ID", title :"Course", values: myDDL1 } I use the following Ajax to generate the values array myDDL1 $.ajax({ url:…
I am trying to write a method which should return the item value based on value index and condition. For example, in the below, if I pass index value as 0, it should return keys and first value from integer…
val generatedArray = IntArray(10) { i -> i + 1 } generatedArray: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] I want the array to start with 0 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
I have three array int[] image = {R.drawable.img1,R.drawable.img2} int[] sound= {R.raw.m1,R.raw.m2} String[] nom ={"el1","el2"} I tryed to change a view with imageview, text from those array when click button but i got only the last value from three array these…