Laravel – Table row is not removed using Livewire
I have a dynamic row created, and I want to remove the row but only the data from that row is removed and the input fields are not updated. I am using Livewire in this for creating the row and…
I have a dynamic row created, and I want to remove the row but only the data from that row is removed and the input fields are not updated. I am using Livewire in this for creating the row and…
'a' array wasn't affected. const a = [1,2,3] const b = [...a] // shallow copy b[0] = 9 console.log(a) // [1,2,3] console.log(b) // [9,2,3] results as expected ---------- const a = [{name:"John"},{name:"George"}]; const b = [...a]; b[0] = {name:"Oliver"} console.log(a)…
I am having a problem when performing a push to a nested array, I am trying to add one or more objects within the nested array "fieldList", when I execute the push it tells me ok but when I check…
I am trying to find the solution for transforming the below JSON data. Mainly I want the date which is having '/' to be replaced with '-'. The replace logic which I tried below is not working. Can someone help…
const initial = [ { name: "Alice", price: 30, occupation: "Writer" }, { name: "Bob", price: 50, occupation: "Teacher"} ] const extraFreelancers = [ { name: "Dr. Slice", price: 25, occupation: "Gardener" }, { name: "Dr. Pressure", price: 51, occupation:…
I need to go through the json object and find keys-objects, keys-arrays whose size matches a given value. I can't understand where to set the conditions. function traverse(obj, size) { for (let key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] ===…
I got an array with objects "times": [{ "id" : "id", "name" : "place", "location" : "place", "hours" : [ {"day": "Sunday", "day_id": 0, "tags": "" }, {"day": "Monday", "day_id": 1, "tags": "" }, {"day": "Tuesday", "day_id": 2, "tags": ""…
Can u guys help me how to create load more with my javascript and this is my javascript for fetch API resource <script type="text/javascript"> const filterProduct = document.getElementById("filterProducts"); const domain = if (filterProduct) { // Fetch JSON data and…
I have an array of objects. These objects have a property that is also an array. I want to insert a new value into my array of objects. It has to be sequential in that I always want to add…
I use this code to record a JSON datas to a Oracle Database SELECT NOM, PRENOMS, DATE_NAISS FROM JSON_TABLE('[ { "Id": 123, "Nom": "Toto", "Prenoms": [ "Pascal", "Vincent" ], "DateNaissance": "1983-01-01T00:00:00" }]', '$[*]' COLUMNS ( "NOM" PATH '$.Nom', "PRENOMS" PATH…