Php – Group Array Values Based on Array Keys
I am trying to group my array values based on the array keys then print the result in the UI. I am stucked here for hours now. Here is the array I need to format, Array ( [checklist1] => major…
I am trying to group my array values based on the array keys then print the result in the UI. I am stucked here for hours now. Here is the array I need to format, Array ( [checklist1] => major…
I have a questionnaire with 100 yes/no questions that are separated by 3 sections, and that I need to implement on a website. The goal is to create a multi-step form (each question will appear at a time) and then…
I created a function to go through an array to load some products on my website, then I created an element.eventListener to run another different array. I don't want the first function to keep going and keep loading products from…
const arr=[] let id=0'/book',(req,res)=>{ payload={body: req.body,id: id+1} id=id+1 arr.push(payload) console.log("arr",arr); return res.send("success") }) `this is how I created the push function in an array with default id i try to delete element from this array by its id using…
I´ve isolated a problem I´m having in a complex code and was able to replicate the issue. Let´s say I have the following array: $categoriesFiltersGenericCheck[2] = [ 'id' => 2214, 'sort_order' => '0.000000000000000000000000000000', 'date_creation' => '2023-09-10 11:17:41', 'date_edit' => '2023-09-10…
I have an array that need to be sliced in the below formate. $arr =[val1,val2,val3,val4,..........]; $result = [ [ val1, val2, val3 ], /* First 3 elements */ [ val4, val5, val6 ], /* next 3 elements */ [ val7…
I want to get the difference between the values of a array. <?php $array_values = array('2', '6', '16', '27'); ?> my expectation would be: Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 10 [2] => 11 ) The code: <?php $array_data…
I did this while....//to get dynamic value of $data[18] One of the value is $data[18] = '256000000000;2001111162880;2001111162880;2001111162880;10000831348736;1800360124416;256000000000'; $result = []; foreach(explode("n", $data[18]) as $str){ $result[] = implode("GB/", array_map(fn($v) => floor((int)$v / 1e9), explode(";", $str))). 'GB'; } $data[18] = implode("n", $result);…
I've problem with combining 2 or more arrays in PHP. for example I've list of arrays like this : $array['item_code'] = ['ITM-001','ITM-002','ITM-003']; $array['price'] = [5000,6000,7000]; $array['qty'] = [3,4,5]; ` how to combine the arrays to be output JSON like this…
I have a 2D array in JavaScript where the first row contains date-time strings, and I want to sort all the rows based on the dates in the first row. Here's an example of my array: const data = […