Html – How to Show error if value of an array is empty
Array = { 0 : { NAME: 'A' , PET :'DOG' , AGE : 'NINE' }, 1 : { NAME: 'B' , PET :'CAT' , AGE : 'TEN' }, 2 : { NAME: 'C' , PET :'TURTLE' , AGE :…
Array = { 0 : { NAME: 'A' , PET :'DOG' , AGE : 'NINE' }, 1 : { NAME: 'B' , PET :'CAT' , AGE : 'TEN' }, 2 : { NAME: 'C' , PET :'TURTLE' , AGE :…
I had two array: const keys = [a, b, c] const values = [[], [], []] I want to convert it to a 2d array: const entries = [[a, []], [b, []], [c, []]] How can I do it? P.S.…
[{ array: [{ key: 1 }] }, { array: [{ key: 1 }, { key: 3 }, { key: 3 }] }, { array: [{ key: 1 }, { key: 2 }] }] Like you can see this is an…
I'm learning about arrays and was given this assignment: "Code an array that holds the name of your favorite bands or artists. You can name the array artists. Using the prompt() command, ask the user to name their favorite band.…
I have a array of strings. let's say My problem statement is Iterate over each value of this array and call api call and write response of each data in google sheet simultaneously. let input_data=["value1","value2",...... , "value30"] var mySheet =…
[ { "branchCode": "111", "referenceNumber": "2222", "comments": "Write Off", "transactionDate": "2022-02-23T00:00:00", "amount": 0, "accountCode": "MMMM", "accountName": "Metal MMMM", "allocations": [ { "branchCode": "111", "referenceNumber": "3333", "allocationDate": "2022-02-23T09:23:57", "ledgerTypeDescription": "Client", "accountCode": "MMMM", "accountName": "Metal MMMM", "amount": -0.02 } ] }, {…
I have a little calculator app. The return statement is inside of an if statement checking for a variable to be equal to "null". If the variable is equal to "null", it should return the input the function is called…
so i need to make validation for a form. the form need to have the value of 1 - 6 and there cannot be a duplicate. so i make a temporary variable to record all the data kind of like…
I'm working through a fundamentals course on JavaScript. I was given this assignment on arrays: "Using a loop, have the user enter a set of integers using prompt(). Add each entry to an array called myIntegers. Once the user is…
I am new to JavaScript. I am little confused even after reading multiple answers and docs... My issue is that if there's a simple array I am able to use .map,.filter easily but if array has objects then it…