Javascript – search functionality for nested array object
I am writing a search function for this nested array but it is not working the way i want it work so the thing is if i am searching for Team 1B then i should get [{name: "Male 9 B",…
I am writing a search function for this nested array but it is not working the way i want it work so the thing is if i am searching for Team 1B then i should get [{name: "Male 9 B",…
For some reason, images2 gets set to the same thing as images1 instead of galleryData.splice(0, 3), this is not what I want to happen. The second console.log(images2) prints what galleryData.splice(0, 3) returns <script> export let galleryData //Logic for organizing images…
This code works for the test cases having unique elements in the array but not if the same element is present like [3,2,3] so I want something like to add 3+3 === target(when the target is 6) and to get…
I need to retrieve some data from a Google Spreadsheet via App Script for which I set up a DoGet function. Currently I´m retrieving an array but a I need data comes as JSON key-value pairs format. The table on…
I am trying to swap the indexes of two elements inside of an array, which is contained inside an object as a property. In my CodeSandbox example below, whenever I try to click on the second "^" button, it gives…
I need to return duplicates in a new array and get this output: [1, 2, 5] but get two times 1. why? const array = [1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5]; const newArray = [...array]; let newArrFiltered…
So, I have 3 input field and I want to control just one input's value. The input that I want to control should be bigger or equal the first input's value and it should be lesser or equal the second…
I have an array 0: key: "001" value: Array(1) 0: Id: "2345" Name: "Test" 1: key: "112" value: Array(2) 0: Id: "1234" Name: "UHV" 1: Id: "3424" Name: "ABC" 2: key: "222" value: Array(3) 0: Id: "2312" Name: "ABD" 1:…
I am a newbie JavaScript developer. I am creating a ToDo list, and I am stuck in between. I have created a function to delete all the completed tasks. Below there's an array tasks containing various objects that contain information…
I have the following object and array of numbers. How can I tell which number in the array does not exist as an id in the object? In the following example, I would want 1453. [ {id: 60, itemName: 'Main…