– View not found even though it exists
I have a problem going from a controller to a view. I have an error which tells me that the view was not found except that it exists and that it is in the right place. What's weird is that…
I have a problem going from a controller to a view. I have an error which tells me that the view was not found except that it exists and that it is in the right place. What's weird is that…
Our institution will only allow us one domain name (, so all of our websites are forced to be like this I have a .NET Core 3.1 project, I am trying to get it to start on that site.…
In .net 8 razor, how would I go about having a shared localization resource in my project? Currently, I have the following layout: This works for the index page, but I also want resources from RShared.resx (poorly named, but this…
Trying to update a project to .NET 8.0. I updated all the related packages to match the 8.0 version. But it throws System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void CoreTypeMappingParameters..ctor at runtime. I tried to check the migrations in cli but most…
I have a page, which displays customer names with attendance details. I have displayed the attendance details inside a modal-pop up. The data are displayed inside a modal pop up using jquery datatables with filtering options(search,pagination..). The issues i am…
I'm trying a simple web app. Created a /wwwroot/error.html. When requesing in the browser /error.html it works, no problem at all. Program.cs var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); var app = builder.Build(); app.UseStaticFiles(); app.Run(); Then I've added a .MapGet after the app.UseStaticFiles(),…
I have an ASP.NET Core Web API that I've been running on Azure App Service Windows platform. This app was targeting .NET 7 and today I updated it to target .NET 8. It compiles and runs fine locally. According to…
We are trying to solve a rather perplexing error in an ASP.NET application (DNN / DotNetNuke) after upgrading our webservers from the EOL Windows Server 2012 R2 to 2022 (currently experiencing the error on 2016). We upgraded the testing server…
I'm trying to pass JSON object to python script through process but the script receives the JSON object in a wrong format the keys of the object without double or single quotes like the following: {path:C:\Users\user\Documents\myfile.txt,models:[{Id:5014,Name:e,Type:2},{Id:2,Name:r1,Type:1}]} C# process code: var…
I have simple string value line which contain below content. logo Name raj mobile 9038874774 address 6-98 india bill auto generated Now I am trying key/Value pair to achieve my detail and the pair value output expecting like below [0]…