how to filter list in c# using linq –
i am working on a ticket where there is a array of data i am passing as parameter to a method and based on the parameter and another date parameter i want filtered result but i am not able to…
i am working on a ticket where there is a array of data i am passing as parameter to a method and based on the parameter and another date parameter i want filtered result but i am not able to…
I am writing a Unit test where in i am passing array of two records and i want to send it to a method which can filter the records and pass only a single record but i have tried to…
I want to Remove/hide the 1st item from the @Html.DropDownListFor.This dropdown has four items. I want to remove/hide the 1st item only. But those values are not hard cord values, that are retrieved from the object of the model. I…
Im doing a MVC app but when I try to run it, it shows the following errors System.ObjectDisposedException: 'The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.' item.Plan.Plan_Days = 'item.Plan.Plan_Days' threw…
I've configured Live Metrics for my ASP.NET MVC app with target framework 4.7.2 using the tutorial given in Microsoft Docs: In this tutorial, they've given a sample client.TrackDependency() and client.TrackRequest() call in the end. They've also mentioned in comments…
I've configured Live Metrics for my ASP.NET MVC app with target framework 4.7.2 using the tutorial given in Microsoft Docs: In this tutorial, they've given a sample client.TrackDependency() and client.TrackRequest() call in the end. They've also mentioned in comments…
I am following a beginner tutorial on how to make a simple store with mvc, and in tutorial there is no problem when doing exact same steps. I am currently trying to perform a basic CRUD operations on my…
I have a ViewBag.CategoryList which contains ViewBag.CategoryList = new SelectList(Category.GetCategories()); My View: @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Category, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Category, new SelectList(ViewBag.CategoryList), "Select Category", htmlAttributes: new {@class = "form-control"}) What I'm getting is <option>System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem</option>…
I have a question how to solve my problem. There is a table with items. Each item has a status "open" or "closed". For instance, 9 items with "closed" status and 14 ones with "open". I need to find the…
I understand that the SelectListItems are meant to not return back the items on post and perhaps be null, but because of this my ModelState.IsValid condition is always false and the Studies field which contains the list is the one…