Identity JWT Issue
I have tried to implement JWT token authorisation into my system but it's not working. I'm new to so please go easy on me. I can login fine and i do get the token as expected. But when I…
I have tried to implement JWT token authorisation into my system but it's not working. I'm new to so please go easy on me. I can login fine and i do get the token as expected. But when I…
I'm going to try my best to include everything you'll need to help me diagnose my issue. The database record includes a value in the Full_name field, but when I run the GetAll or GetById it isn't returned. What am…
I'm using the following IIS Rewrite Rule to block as many bots as possible. <rule name="BotBlock" stopProcessing="true"> <match url=".*" /> <conditions> <add input="{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" pattern="^$|b(?!.*googlebot.*b)w*(?:bot|crawl|spider)w*" /> </conditions> <action type="CustomResponse" statusCode="403" statusReason="Forbidden" statusDescription="Forbidden" /> </rule> The goal is to block all user…
@page "/login" @using BlazorWebAppNew.Data @inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime @inject UserDataContext dataContext <PageTitle>Login</PageTitle> <div class="container mt-5"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header"> <h6 class="card-title">Please log in</h6> </div> <div class="card-body"> <EditForm Model="@loginModel" OnValidSubmit="HandleLogin" FormName="LoginForm"> <DataAnnotationsValidator /> <ValidationSummary /> <div class="form-group…
I am adding metric to my project. I am using OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Process package, but when I check the Targets status in Prometheus , I saw the following error: unit "seconds" not a suffix of metric "process_cpu_time_seconds_total" here is how I add…
There is no startup.cs application in my dotnet core 8 project. The guide I followed includes startup.cs because it is an old version. What should I do? In the guide, there is CORS disablement, but I do not have startup.cs.
I'm trying to run a portable build of an ASP.NET application on .net 8 on a Raspberry Pi. I've got a Raspberry Pi 4 with the latest lite release of Raspberry Pi oS (Bookworm). And my publishing settings for the…
Let's start by saying that this problem make me crazy :-) Backgroung info: I need to add Graph support to an old project ASP.NET, Framework 4.7.2 and webform. I know, it's an old and crap technology, but I need it…
I have data defined as double saved in a PSQL-Database (Actian) and I'm using DbDataReader to read the values. I know I can use GetDouble to read the value, but I would like read the raw value into a byte…
In this i have write two linq queries For Ascending order For Descending order i have done this in one way can you guy's suggest me to the another method for knowledge if exists. Here is the code // Specify…