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404 NOT FOUND. on clicking download cv button – Laravel

am getting 404 NOT FOUND on clicking cv am using this `<td class="border px-4 py-2"><a href="{{ asset('storage/cv_files/' . $student->cv_file) }}">{{ $student->cv_file }}</a> </td>` am getting 404 not found on this url http://localhost/storage/cv_files/cv_files/IrF7GnM9QXLehTjOwV4a9K5HiaQLwfUKQEU7LNgR.pdf but the file is in the correct folder…


Laravel/horizon missing css/js build

The /horizon route from the laravel/horizon package works, but the css and javascript are not loaded. this is what the road /horizon looks like: However, I just installed the package and followed the laravel documentation installation composer require laravel/horizon php…


Redis – When running rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production over ES6 syntax pipeline got broken

RAILS ASSETS PIPELINE When running rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production over ES6 syntax, assets pipeline got broken. If we instead call rake assets:precompile with environment set to RAILS_ENV=development it perform fine. Summarizing SUCCESS FAIL rake assets:precompile rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=devlopment RAILS_ENV=development `bundle…

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