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Javascript – How can I get data from first API and use that data in second API request in react

const [MovieList, setMovieList] = useState([]); const options = { method: 'GET', headers: { accept: 'application/json', Authorization: 'placeholder' // actual token redacted } }; useEffect(() => { const TrendingMovies = async () => { fetch('', options) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data =>…


Python-telegram-bot fails on telegram.error.TimedOut, unable to restart (on restart get "coroutine 'Updater.start_polling' was never awaited")

I try to create a simple Telegram bot for my school (so students could receive schedule updates in Telegram). I use python-telegram-bot for this. Here is the code I took from the official tutorial: application = telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder().token(token).build() incoming_message_handler = telegram.ext.MessageHandler(…

VIEW QUESTION – After saving the data to the database once, it does not save the second one

I'm pretty new to this industry. This is the Create method in BaseRepository: public async Task CreateAsync(TEntity entity) { await _db.Set<TEntity>().AddAsync(entity); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); } This is the Create method inside the UserService class. public ResultService<UserCreateDTO> Create(UserCreateVM userCreateVM) { ResultService<UserCreateDTO> result…

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