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About Async and Promise in Javascript

I have some questions about async and promise. (sorry guys I'm newbie at programming) Can javascript only run functions asynchronously with functions/webAPIs like XMLHttpRequest, DOM, setTimeout, etc? can we make our own function that runs asynchronously? If we make a…


Write blocking javascript

I have a tiny server I'm trying to fetch a bunch of files from; ~100 to fetch. I'm using JS to fetch the files using a forEach loop. Unfortunately, the ~100 requests knocks over the server. links.forEach((link) => { const…


Telegram – Django ORM Q and Async

I'm using django with Telegram Bot If i need to make ORM Query, i can do it like that all_offers = await sync_to_async(Offers.objects.filter, thread_sensitive=True)( status = True, ) but not i need to make more difficult query with Q function…


how to execute two asynchronous functions with flutter?

I have two functions in flutter. the first one is belManager.writeCharacteristic and the second one is belManager.disonnect I want to execute belManager.disonnect() after belManager.writeCharacteristic is completed. However for some reason bleManager.disonenct() is called before belManager.writeCharacteristic is completed. this is the…

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