How does AWS Step Functions invoke Lambdas? – Amazon web services
From an architecture point of view, when an AWS Step Functions invoke a Lambda, does it go through API Gateway or does the invocation happen directly?
From an architecture point of view, when an AWS Step Functions invoke a Lambda, does it go through API Gateway or does the invocation happen directly?
In API Gateway, Im having some issues getting "Aws Services" to show as an option in Integration Type when creating a method within a proxy resource. I can see that this is showing up for normal resource when I don't…
I have created a micro service architecture which flows as follows: Api call -> Api gateway -> Eventbridge -> SNS -> Lambda The reason for this is to use SNS instead of SQS to decouple applications for true serverless compute…
Trying to add mapping for an integration to pass the websocket connectionId to my http backend. Below command works fine in cloud shell but fails in AWS CLI on Windows. aws apigatewayv2 update-integration --integration-id foobar --api-id fooapi --request-parameters 'integration.request.header.connectionId'='context.connectionId' This…
I have a sam file trying to build an API Gateway to a lambda function. I am following the latest AWS documentation for configuring cors. This documentation is quoted here: As you may have guessed, that isn't working for me.…
I'm unable to use a variable in an API Gateway Response Here's a simplified example of a Response template I use to test variable usage #set( $message= "message" ) {$message:$context.error.messageString} This is the response that I expect { message :…
I am using AWS API Gateway that triggers a Lambda function (integration request type is LAMBDA_PROXY). I am trying to add logs for the gateway's activities via Cloud Watch. After following this documentation, it is still not working. The log…
I'm not too sure how the formatting works with using json and boto3 in the same file. The function works how it should but I don't know how to get a response from an API without an Internal server error.…
I am using AWS HTTP API Gateway to route requests to my integrations in the VPC. I've added a custom domain and I want to route my requests to my integrations based on the paths in the following manner Basically…
I have the following API:${user-id} which proxies to a Lambda function. When the user hits /user/1234 the function checks if 1234 exists and return the info for that user or a redirection to /users What I want is to…