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Amazon web services – AWS CDK – API Gateway LambdaIntegration – passing a literal using requestParameters?

I'm trying to pass a literal value to the called lambda function using API gateway integration requestParameters but with no luck. My current code is: myApigatewayResource.addMethod( 'GET', new apiGateway.LambdaIntegration( myLambdaFunctionHandler, { requestParameters: { 'integration.request.querystring.customvalue': '123456789' } } ), { methodResponses:…


Amazon web services – How do I solve cyclic dependency error between RDS and Secrets Manager stacks in AWS CDK v2?

I understand that sometimes order makes or breaks CloudFormation templates, but this one shouldn't be a problem, or at least it's not obvious to me why I'm getting this error: Error: 'DataPipelinePrototypeSecretStack' depends on 'DataPipelinePrototypeDatabaseStack' (DataPipelinePrototypeSecretStack -> DataPipelinePrototypeDatabaseStack/PrototypeDb1/Resource.Ref). Adding this…

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