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Amazon web services – why is AWS saying my ARN is not valid with get-license-usage when it is fine with get-license-configuration

I'm trying to retrieve oracle license usage from license manager. If I do aws license-manager get-license-configuration --license-configuration-arn arn:aws:license-manager:eu-west-1:002909278xxx:license-configuration:lic-1cbfffa9d1c64e2ea7dd03a76e81xxxx I get results. But If I do aws license-manager get-license-usage --license-arn arn:aws:license-manager:eu-west-1:002909278xxx:license-configuration:lic-1cbfffa9d1c64e2ea7dd03a76e81xxxx I get An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the GetLicenseUsage…

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