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AWS: Specified ConcurrentExecutions for function decreases account's UnreservedConcurrentExecution below its minimum value of [10] – Laravel

I keep getting this error when deploying a laravel project with GitHub actions ==> Updating Function Configurations Deployment Failed AWS: Specified ConcurrentExecutions for function decreases account's UnreservedConcurrentExecution below its minimum value of [10]. 23613KB/23613KB [============================] 100% (< 1 sec remaining)…


AWS Lambda Path Routing – Amazon web services

I have an AWS API Gateway (HTTP) with the following routes: https://<API_HOST>/prod/account/list https://<API_HOST>/prod/account/edit https://<API_HOST>/prod/account/delete Based on each routing, I want different AWS Lambda functions to execute. What's the most optimized way to route the traffic at the AWS Lambda function?…

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