How does AWS Step Functions invoke Lambdas? – Amazon web services
From an architecture point of view, when an AWS Step Functions invoke a Lambda, does it go through API Gateway or does the invocation happen directly?
From an architecture point of view, when an AWS Step Functions invoke a Lambda, does it go through API Gateway or does the invocation happen directly?
Currently, we have the following AWS setup for executing Glue jobs. An S3 event triggers a lambda function execution whose python logic triggers 10 AWS Glue jobs. S3 -> Trigger -> Lambda -> 1 or more Glue Jobs. With this…
There is support for Step Function in Visual Studio Code using AWS Toolkit. I could not find anything similar for Visual Studio 2022. Is there any way for having Step Functions in Visual Studio 2022?
I want to parse 'statusCode' and 'body' values from API Gateway integration response using VTL and return those as a method response like this: Request status: 201 Response body: {"firstName":"He","lastName":"Man","email":"[email protected]"} My API Gateway Step Function integration is returning the following…
I am finding a way to do this in , My scenario is I want to repeat a step until I am not finished my dynamic number of files processing in step function for example step1 -> step2 -> step2…
I have just started out with steps functions so feel free to ask for details if my question is ambiguous! What I am trying to achieve:- I am trying to upload a file which triggers lambda function as a task…
I have list of executionArn of stepfunction execution, I am filtering those executionArn by status == 'FAILED'. Now, how can I get the exact failure of the stepfunction in Python, (meaning: at which point the execution has failed)?