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Azure Consumption API Parameters

This is a segment of Azure consumption API result for my azure account. I am stuck in the understanding of "usageQuantity": 0.000000100582838 parameter(whether it's a CPU ultilization or something else). Is there a brief explanation of this parameter ? how…


azure amortized cost usagestart and usageend date error while passing it as variable

I am trying to pull azure amortized cost at subscription level but when I pass usage_start_date and usage_end_date in hardcoded way I am able to pull data : Example : ""+subs+"/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetail?$filter=properties/usageStart eq '2022-05-01' and properties/usageEnd eq '2022-05-31'&metric=AmortizedCost&api-version=2021-10-01" But when I…

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