How can I create a web app in Azure?
I'm trying to create a webapp as suggested here. The group is created. Then, I omit the step of creating a plan, since I already have a subscription allowing me to do that (which I can confirm by creating the…
I'm trying to create a webapp as suggested here. The group is created. Then, I omit the step of creating a plan, since I already have a subscription allowing me to do that (which I can confirm by creating the…
What needs to be changed in the arm template below in order for it to add subscription owner role to the given principal id? The problem we are getting is that the following arm template and invocation command are assigning…
I'm trying to gather information about VMs through the CLI in order to get those faster than through the Azure-Portal. I'm trying to extract the vnet, the subnet and the routing table for the given VM. But this is my…
I have created a service principal on Azure with contributor permissions, and pasted it in github secrets. Then, I created my workflow in .github.workflow directory in the project. I am trying to create the resources I need on azure using… is not getting created through either Terraform or AZ CLI I want to create in the portal either through Terraform or AZ CLI. The Terraform earlier had support for it under Cognitive Services, but now it has moved…
I have used the command, and I'm not able to get the expected result. Update-AzPostgreSqlConfiguration -ResourceGroupName resourcegroupname -ServerName mydemoserver -Value SQL_STANDARD -Sku-name D2ds_v4 and got the error: I want the command to work and be able to reduce the VCores…
Is there a way to search for file at a specific location instead of searching through an entire container? I have this query running on Azure CLI but it searches for specific patterns in the entire container and issue I…
When I execute the following command for adding node pool in Azure CLI, getting the error "unrecognized arguments aks-custom-headers windowscontainerruntime=containerd" az aks nodepool add --resource-group resource-group-name --cluster-name [cluster] --os-type Windows --name nodepool --node-vm-size Standard_D4s_v3 --kubernetes-version 1.20.5 --aks-custom-headers WindowsContainerRuntime=containerd, --node-count 1
I'm trying to give the system identity of my container app access to the acr which is deployed in a different resource group. I'm using the Azure CLI in a release pipeline. The service connection I'm using should be scoped…
I have a app service in Azure that has been scaled out to 5 instances. I can list the instances via the following az cli command az webapp list-instances But how can i tell which instance has frozen or is…