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Ubuntu – Azure DevOps: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized – No local versions of package 'skiasharp')

We are using Azure DevOps pipeline for CI-CD and we are getting lot of 401 Unauthorized error when restoring NuGet packages during a build For example: /home/vsts/work/1/s/backend/tests/DemoModule.IntegrationTests/DemoModule.IntegrationTests.csproj : error NU1301: Failed to retrieve information about '' from remote source ''.…


Pull request build from Azure in Jenkins?

We are migrating our gitlab projects to AzureDevOps. Currently, our projects in gitlab are configured with a webhook, which triggers a jenkins build on every commmit. The jenkins build pipeline is written in groovy, and has a different flow when…


Ubuntu – exporting & re-using variables from Stage1 to Stage2 in Azure devops

- stage: publish_service_names dependsOn: build_code jobs: - job: get_services pool: ${{ if eq(parameters.useCustomAgentPool, true) }}: name: ${{ parameters.customAgentPoolName }} ${{ if eq(parameters.useCustomAgentPool, false) }}: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - bash: | services=$(cat $(Pipeline.Workspace)/variables/services.txt) echo "service List : $services" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=serviceName;]$services"…

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