Azure Devops rest api produce 500Internal Server Error
I am trying to get workitems from azure devops by using rest api and iam getting this 500Internal Server Error
I am trying to get workitems from azure devops by using rest api and iam getting this 500Internal Server Error
I have a myJson.json that look like this: { "FirewallGroupsToEnable": [ "Remote Event Log Management", "Windows Remote Management", "Performance Logs and Alerts", "File and Printer Sharing", "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" ], "MemoryStartupBytes": "3GB" } I'd like to serialize it as…
I am trying to give a service principal SELECT access on my Azure Synapse SQL data. CREATE USER [MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER WITH DEFAFULT_SCHEMA=[dbo] GO GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE :: MyDB TO [MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL]; This works fine, but it requires me…
I'm currently dealing with a problem within my Azure DevOps pipeline where I'm trying to run and build a pipeline for repo 'RepoX', whereafter the Dockerfile tries to use the '.csproj' of repo 'RepoY'. However, 'RepoY' is added as 'existing…
I want to trigger a Test pipeline from a stage of Main pipeline, both the pipelines are present in different projects within the same organization. I am able to trigger the pipeline using the resource option but the problem is…
In Azure Devops while creating queries. anybody knows what is the use of 'Query Text' Parameter? Not able to figure out what is this used for
Error: Failed to get existing workspaces: containers.Client#ListBlobs: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="AuthorizationFailure" Message="This request is not authorized to perform this operation.nRequestId:XXX" I am using azure storage as Terraform backend. It…
I am setting up an Azure pipeline and need to get a specific step to run multiple times based on the defined environments. I also need to replace a placeholder in a file with variable values and I need to…
It seems my question is related to this post but since there is no answer I will ask again. I have an Azure Devops project which I use to deploy static content into a container inside a Storage Account via…
I’m sure many have come across this problem because I can’t be the only one. In Visual Studio code I work with Kubernetes and Azure Devops YAML. Both have complete different formatting. To work with each I find I have…