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error: Azure.Messaging.EventHubs: The path to an Event Hub may be specified as part of the connection string or as a separate value, but not both

At first I upgraded the package "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.EventHubs" from version 4.3.0 to 5.1.0. and I upgraded from the deprecated Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs package to Azure.Messaging.EventHubs. Then I run the C# function that return the error: 'Azure.Messaging.EventHubs: The path to an Event Hub may…


Azure Bicep Nested Loops

I'm trying to create an Azure Event Hub using json config and Bicep. The Event Hub namespace deploys fine, but when I try to extend the code to namespaces/eventhubs and namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules then I encounter an issue as I have nested…


Azure EventHub Push/Pull?

When it comes to Apache Kafka, on the consumer side I know it's a pull model. What about Azure EventHubs? Are they pull or push? From what I've gathered so far unlike kafka event hubs "push" events to the listeners.…

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