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azure document intelligence API PRebuilt-layout with KeyValuePairs feature (C# SDK)

The following code is throwing an Invalid argument error on KeyValuePairs while keyValuePairs feature exists and is valid. Can you help explain? AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-layout", fileUri, new AnalyzeDocumentOptions() { Features = { DocumentAnalysisFeature.KeyValuePairs } }); Error message:…


Azure Form Recognizer – "TrainingContentMissing", Training data is missing: Could not find any training data at the given path

I am working with Form Recognizer in Python (version 3.2.1). I'm attempting to train a custom model with pdf's in Azure storage container, code and error below: document_model_admin_client = DocumentModelAdministrationClient(endpoint, credential) poller = await document_model_admin_client.begin_build_document_model( ModelBuildMode.TEMPLATE, blob_container_url="[PATH TO AZURE STORAGE…

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