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How can I get Azure Functions keys from Bicep

I have the following code to create an Azure Function App with Bicep lang resource webSite 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = { name: 'xxxxxx' location: resourceGroup().location kind: 'functionapp' properties: { serverFarmId: 'zzzzzz' siteConfig: { appSettings: [ // some values ] } } }…


What i need to do to replace PnP.Core.Services with CSOM for our Azure Function which uses .net 6.0

I have an Azure Function which uses PnP.Core.Services to interact with SharePoint to create a list item. The Azure function is based on .net version 6.0. I have this startup.cs:- using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using PnP.Core.Auth; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;…

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