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Azure – How do I designate the 2nd subscription name for Application Insights CLI Create command

My command: az monitor app-insights component create --app $appin --subscription $sub --resource-group $rg-for-insights-component --workspace workspace-in-different-Subscription --location centralus error: Could not retrieve the Log Analytics workspace from ARM: /subscriptions/GUID/resourceGroups/rg-for-insights-component/providers/microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/workspace-in-different-Subscription Of course that workspace exists in a different subscription, how would it…


Azure custom indicator

I have a mental block and can´t figure this one out. In Azure Application Insights I have this custom table. I am trying to create an index of actual work. The table has this "event" column where you can have…


Azure monitor exporter with Golang

I am currently trying to connect my Go application to Azure monitor, and I am facing issues right away with the "otel" contrib package ( The exporter that I am trying to use does not implement the ExportSpans function for…

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