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Azure – Can't Create Blob Container: This request is not authorized to perform this operation

I'm trying to create a blob container within an Azure storage account with Azure's Python API. def create_storage_container(storageAccountName: str, containerName: str): print( f"Creating storage container '{containerName}'", f"in storage account '{storageAccountName}'" ) credentials = DefaultAzureCredential() url = f"https://{storageAccountName}" blobClient = BlobServiceClient(account_url=url,…


Why isn't ContentSettings cache_control max-age being honored in Azure storage blob via Python?

I can't seem to activate Cache-Control max-age in an Azure storage blob in Python via the following code: contentSettings = ContentSettings(cache_control="max-age=86400") containerClient.upload_blob(blobname, theBytes, length=byteCount, overwrite=True, content_settings=contentSettings) In the web based Azure storage browser, it appears max-age is correctly set: However,…

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