Getting Secrets From Azure (C#) –
I’m trying to do a personal project and I want to use either Azure Key Vault or the appsettings that the Azure Web Apps provide by default. But I have only one concern. I guess if I want to use…
I’m trying to do a personal project and I want to use either Azure Key Vault or the appsettings that the Azure Web Apps provide by default. But I have only one concern. I guess if I want to use…
Our team has set up an ansible-playbook to deploy Azure Function as the reference: Linux-container-from-ACR-with-private-endpoint. We use a user-assigned identity to pull the function app image from an ACR. We automated the task using Ansible like the following: - name:…
So, I was following this tutorial and successfully published the web API to both Azure App Service and Azure API Management. Then (going beyond tutorial) I added a rate-limit policy to the API in API Management service. I tested it…
I am trying to load my appsettings.test.json file on a test API and I am having problems reading environment variables. Works fine locally but when I push it to the Azure App Service I keep getting pointed to my dev…
In the Azure app service my Website is working fine with with the following code ALLOWED_HOSTS = [os.environ['WEBSITE_HOSTNAME']] if 'WEBSITE_HOSTNAME' in os.environ else [] But while adding a custom domain, it is showing as Bad Request (400). I think…
I have an app service and in the Configuration section there is a connection string that connect to a database as follows:,1433;Database=myDataBase;User ID=mylogin@myserver;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True; How can I hide the plain text password utilizing Azure services or anything else?
I have Angular project, that I want to build to Azure Web App I created this yaml to build and deploy trigger: - main pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: '18.x' displayName: 'Install Node.js' # - task:…
I've created a Bicep to deploy Service Plan and App Service with linux/windows selection and .net 6 stack. Both deployments successful, Linux App is totally fine, .net 6 stack is present on Portal. However, Windows stack is empty on Portal…
I'm working on setting up an application getaway with a group of backend app services. I am in the final configuration steps of configuring a listener, but first I need to set Application Gateway to support key vault reference certificates.…
I am trying to deploy dockerized React JS application (uses ngnix) on MS Azure App Service (Web application as Container/Web App). Using Azure Container Registry for the same. Here is my Dockerfile FROM node:14.17.0 as build WORKDIR /app ENV PATH…