React native – Verifying Azure AD token on API
I use Azure AD B2C to login on a React Native app. This app can make API calls to a CMS (Strapi). Before returning a response, the CMS has to check that the user that makes the request is logged…
I use Azure AD B2C to login on a React Native app. This app can make API calls to a CMS (Strapi). Before returning a response, the CMS has to check that the user that makes the request is logged…
This deployment has been running fine for months. It looks like the Pods redeployed early this morning, I think probably related to applying 2023.10.31 (AKSSecurityPatchedVHD. The Pods that mount Azure Files for file storage are stuck in ContainerCreating with the…
I am trying to create a MetricAlert using the following script Set-AzContext -Subscription "f0bXXXXXXX" $action = Get-AzActionGroup -ResourceGroupName gze-actgrp-pd-rgp-001 -Name UWDevOps_PD $actionID = New-AzActionGroup -ActionGroupId $ #Get-AzMetricDefinition -ResourceId "/subscriptions/9ca9XXXXX/resourcegroups/gze-pdi203-pd1-rgp-001/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/gze-pdi203-pd1-aks-isostr-001" #set alert dim to pick the right options $dim = New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2DimensionSelection…
llm = AzureOpenAI(openai_api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, deployment_name=OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME, model_name=MODEL_NAME) # Configure the location of the PDF file. pdfReader = PdfReader('databorders.pdf') # Extract the text from the PDF file. raw_text = '' for i, page in enumerate(pdfReader.pages): text = page.extract_text() if text: raw_text += text…
I need to move table from an Azure SQL database to another database Firstly, I have exported data from table by using below query: select contract_id, contractor_name, plan_id, quantity, format(exec_date, 'yyyyMMddHHmmssffff') as exec_date, initial_plan, contract_status, backup_disksize, format(register_date, 'yyyyMMddHHmmssffff') as register_date,…
So I have a large cosmodb database of documents, I have an index and indexer that will iterate through an build this index. All works great. But if a document is removed from the source database the search index still…
I have a question that may be quite trivial for some. I'm making an application in .NET where I'm trying to have split layers. Application (abstraction only) and Infrstructure (implementation). My problem is that I want to use Azure TableClient…
The task I would like to solve: I have a constant influx of files in a specific folder held on azure storage. I would like to periodically list the files in this folder in order to copy them to a…
I have a service plan currently on the Premium v3 P1V3 tier. I'm trying to scale it to the Premium v3 P0V3 tier overnight via a runbook with PowerShell to save some money. I can't see anywhere in the documentation…
I'm interested in finding out if there's a pagination feature available in the Azure DevOps API, specifically for listing repositories of a project using the following endpoint: GET{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=7.1-preview.1 Unfortunately, based on the documentation, it appears that pagination is not…