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Azure spring boot JPA

Am using azure keyvault to store my db username , url & password. I am using <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secrets</artifactId> </dependency> this dependency to read the values configured in keyvaults in my spring boot application. But am getting Failed to determine…


Signle Sign-on : Microsoft 365 not asking to pick an account – Amazon Web Sevices

I have implemented SSO for my application. I am using AWS Cognito as Service Provider and Azure AD as Identity Provider. IdP is configured through SAML in Cognito. Below is the URL generated https://<my_custom_domain><IdP_Name>&redirect_uri=<Callback_url_passed_in_Cognito>&response_type=TOKEN&client_id=<Client_Id>&scope=aws.cognito.signin.user.admin%20email%20openid%20profile&state=transit In my application, when a user…

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