How to limit a number of messages recieved by a device on Azure IoTHUB
I need to limit a device to 1 message every 60 seconds and I do not know how to do this. I can limit the entry in the DB but I am not sure how to prevent throttling on the…
I need to limit a device to 1 message every 60 seconds and I do not know how to do this. I can limit the entry in the DB but I am not sure how to prevent throttling on the…
I have a myJson.json that look like this: { "FirewallGroupsToEnable": [ "Remote Event Log Management", "Windows Remote Management", "Performance Logs and Alerts", "File and Printer Sharing", "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" ], "MemoryStartupBytes": "3GB" } I'd like to serialize it as…
I am trying to give a service principal SELECT access on my Azure Synapse SQL data. CREATE USER [MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER WITH DEFAFULT_SCHEMA=[dbo] GO GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE :: MyDB TO [MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL]; This works fine, but it requires me…
I have a EventHub trigger function app using Elastic Premium tier and I'm getting a bottleneck on the EventHub side because the function doesn't scale more than 20 instances(Maximum of Minimum Instances Always Ready) to process messages, even reaching a…
I'm using the following logic that seems to run in parallel when running locally, but when deployed on azure functions, it's running sequencially: var allRecordTasks = new List<Task<DataRecord>>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { allRecordTasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>…
I want to trigger a Test pipeline from a stage of Main pipeline, both the pipelines are present in different projects within the same organization. I am able to trigger the pipeline using the resource option but the problem is…
In Azure Devops while creating queries. anybody knows what is the use of 'Query Text' Parameter? Not able to figure out what is this used for
When iam trying to create lock using powershell Azure automation runbook by using below script New-AzResourceLock -LockName test -LockLevel CanNotDelete -ResourceGroupName rg -ResourceName resorcename -LockNotes Protection Auto created by Azure Backup -ResourceType Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts -Force error getting: A positional parameter cannot…
Bicep can be used to create a role assignment as follows: resource RoleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = { name: guid(managementGroup().id, RoleDefinitionId, principalId) properties: { roleDefinitionId: principalId: principalId principalType: principalType } } Where the principal type is 'ServicePrincipal', it seems the application…
I want to find ObjectId of a user, but I can't use Get-AzADUser module as I don't have privilege to install this module. Get-AzRoleAssignment, Get-AzContext is accessible to me Is there any other way to find ObjectId of a user…