Azure Cosmos Db Emulator starting but never start
I use Azure Cosmos Db Emulator for about 1 year now and it’s the 3de time it sudently stop working. The only way i found for resolve the problem was to do a complete re-install of windows 10 … My…
I use Azure Cosmos Db Emulator for about 1 year now and it’s the 3de time it sudently stop working. The only way i found for resolve the problem was to do a complete re-install of windows 10 … My…
hey Guys i have created a function to generate a signed url.But some how the signature is not working AZURE_CDN is kept with origin path so it will be url/{container} masked to a single url so http://{CDN}/file.png ==> this i…
Sorry for long post, I need to explain it properly for people to undertsand. I have a pipeline in datafctory that triggers a published AML endpoint: I am trying to parametrize this ADF pipeline so that I can deploy to…
Is there not a way to create an application gateway with waf_v2 sku and have a WAF policy attached using the rest api? With this code i can deploy the application gateway "webApplicationFirewallConfiguration" = @{ "disabledRuleGroups" = @() "enabled" =…
This is my current query that i have in azure logs: let numberOfBuckets = 24; let interval = toscalar(requests | where url matches regex "courses.*" | summarize interval = (max(timestamp)-min(timestamp)) / numberOfBuckets | project floor(interval, 1m)); requests | where url…
I am trying to figure out a way to add an incrementing number to resource. Here is a snippet of my code. I would like to make the priority an incrementing number, instead of passing in a fixed number. Current…
I have an Azure Function App which sends emails and sms messages based on data received from an endpoint. Recently I've been asked to include phone calling for high priority issues. I haven't been able to find any resources or…
While upgrading if you are facing issue, especially below error There was an error performing a read operation on the Blob Storage Secret Repository. then check out the following ways in comment/answer to resolve this
I am trying to get the last sign in logs in the past 7 days in the azure runbook, I have tried this code: $SetDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7); $SetDate = Get-Date($SetDate) -format yyyy-MM-dd $array = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "createdDateTime gt $SetDate" |…