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Azure KeyVault Terraform cycle

I am trying to write a Terraform descriptor for integration Azure Functions, KeyVault and CosmosDB. On one hand I need Azure Functions identity id to create KeyVault access policy. On the other I need KeyVault's CosmosDB key reference to put…


Logging Azure Function

Is there a way to view logging of my Azure Function App without the use of Application Insights? Can I write the logging of my Function app to a separate file that I can view? (edit) If so, how? Edit:…


Azure SQL DB not updating varchar length

I created a table using the following SQL command: CREATE TABLE [my-azure-db].dbo.MyTable ( Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, ); When I check the table with DBeaver, it looks like this: Therefore, I tried to…

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