Azure – Restful API C# Reading from .Txt File
I am trying to build my first ever API and I want it to read some text from a .txt file. I wrote the code originally to have the text be stored in memory and then remove it after the…
I am trying to build my first ever API and I want it to read some text from a .txt file. I wrote the code originally to have the text be stored in memory and then remove it after the…
I need to update the table which is in the on-premises sql server database using dataflow in azure data factory I have self hosted Integration Runtime Linked services created based on this self hosted Runtime Dataset connection works fine However…
I am not sure weather azure storage account is domain joined or not. I want to access files from the azure file share storage as shared path without mounting this file share.
I have a project hosted on Microsoft Azure. It has Azure Functions that are Python code and they recently stopped working (500 Internal Server Error). The code has errors I haven't had before and no known changes were made (but…
I am using an Azure CLI script to register an application like this: az ad app create --display-name $appName --sign-in-audience AzureADMyOrg --enable-id-token-issuance true --enable-access-token-issuance false --required-resource-accesses @app-resources.json --web-redirect-uris $redirectUris I need to set the front-channel logout URL as well, but…
I am using the Azure .NET SDK in C# to instantiate a VM of size NC4as_T4_v3. The problem that I am running into is that I need to define a VirtualMachineHardwareProfile object with a property VmSize of type VirtualMachineSizeType, but…
I am trying to create a Kusto query to compare two Jmeter Results, I already has this query that show me the results for 1 test, But I don't know how to add another one and marge the result. Attached…
I try to connect FROM my ON-PREMISE SQL Server SSRS 2019 TO an Online Microsoft Azure SQL DB. It works fine, when I connect locally from my DBMS to the online DB. Yet everything is secured with MFA though. Unfortunately…
I have an .exe application that outputs a file into the folder path you give as an input. The end goal is to get the output file into blob storage. I have considered azure functions but not sure if it…
I'm running a PowerShell script in Azure function (Timer Trigger) which will fetch PowerBI workspace data from Azure and it will store to Blob storage. I want the output data of the Azure function to be stored in csv format…