Delete list of prefined blobs asynchronously from Azure
I have a file with multiple blobs that exist in a container. I can delete them one by one by calling in a loop: az storage blob delete For me that solution would be fine if there is a way…
I have a file with multiple blobs that exist in a container. I can delete them one by one by calling in a loop: az storage blob delete For me that solution would be fine if there is a way…
I have an Azure functions application (.net8, isolated model). There is a queue trigger working pretty good with internal application storage. It looks like this: [Function(nameof(InnerStorageTrigger))] public void InnerStorageTrigger([QueueTrigger("test-queue-inner")] QueueMessage message) { _logger.LogInformation($"Inner message: {message.MessageText}"); } But I also need…
Sample from yml file: pool: name: Managed demands: - -equals Agent2 # Overrides the value for Build.BuildNumber, which is used to name the artifact (ZIP file) that is produced name: '$(Date:yyyyMMdd)T$(Hours)$(Minutes)$(Seconds)' resources: repositories: - repository: RepoA type: git ref:…
I have an Azure DevOps pipeline that should run for every push on the master branch. My repository has a submodule defined: [submodule "submodules/shared_components"] path = submodules/shared_components url = ../shared_components The submodule is basically checked out (when using git clone…
Starting sometime around the end of June, 2024/ beginning of July, 2024 the Azure Postgres Flexible Server firewall can no longer be opened via the REST API by creating an open firewall rule starting and ending with The Networking…
I'm using the Azure.Communication.PhoneNumbers SDK version 1.1.0 for C# to purchase phone numbers in Azure Communication Services (ACS). I'm following this guide which demonstrates how to perform the purchase operation and wait for result. This approach works, but the purchase…
we are using the following query to get the list of all the members in a group{id}/members requirement We need to get all the users in a group and also the count of the groups each users belongs too…
I need to create a query to find logs where I can see requests and traces together and analyse if User SQL input queries are wrong? I could not find schéma over logs tables and how to join them ?…
After migrating my Azure Function app project from .NET 6 .NET 8, I'm facing this problem No job functions found. Try making your job classes and methods public. If you're using binding extensions (e.g. Azure Storage, ServiceBus, Timers, etc.) make…
I don't have any subscriptions and Azure is useless for me now. On top of that I'm using my personal email and somewhow it got linked to my School's directory. Pretty messed up. I want to delete it but I…