Alert when azure function returns a value
I have an azure function that checks if a blob file exists or not. This function returns true or false, and I want to send an alert if the outout is false. (This function is in python)
I have an azure function that checks if a blob file exists or not. This function returns true or false, and I want to send an alert if the outout is false. (This function is in python)
when im trying to remove role assignment for a storage account using azure automation account Remove-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName "[email protected]" -RoleDefinitionName "Storage File Data SMB Share Contributor" -Scope "/subscriptions/000-8888-7777/resourceGroups/$resourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storageaccount" using above command getting Cannot find principle using specified options
Is there a way to deploy Streamlit App on Azure App Service without using Docker? All the guides in the internet refer to Docker virtualization whereas in theory, the Azure Web App should be able deploy the code automatically from…
I'm trying to create a topic using ServiceBusAdministrationClient connected through a namespace's root manage access key ( def createOptions = new CreateTopicOptions() def authRule = new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule(authRuleName, [AccessRights.SEND, AccessRights.LISTEN]) createOptions.authorizationRules.add(authRule) def topicProps = administrationClient.createTopic(topicName, createOptions) but there are no AuthorizationRules…
I have multiple webjobs that should take their connection strings and application settings from Azure App Configuration. I've tried following steps present in for app.config files in each webjob and for Web.config file of web application hosted with said…
In my Azure environment I have private SQL Server. To access SQL Server and databases I use a private endpoint. When I connect to SQL from VM in the same Virtual Network I have no problem. I have AKS in…
My environment / use case: WorkDay as identity source We have on-prem AD and Azure AD, AADC in place. We do not have on-prem exchange, we assign licenses in Azure AD to provision O365 mailboxes. We want to write back…
I am struggling a lot with a custom policy for Azure AD B2C. I have based my policies on the jit-migration-v2 files: I added 4 new custom attributes and included them in the TrustFrameworkExtension.xml file: extension_creditorId, extension_likvidoUserId, extension_likvidoRole &…
We are using Azure application Insights for error logging. I am new to KQL and trying to fetch custom properties from inbuilt "customDimensions" column in the following format, Data in "customDimensions" column { "File Name":"Sample File 1", "Correlation ID":"e33a8d45-0566-4bf2-94f8-54a6fec29bff", "Error…
I'm trying to get a list of reviews from an api. This gives me a JSON with nested properties. I manage to get almost all the data I need except from the nested array ["value"]["answers"]["value"] because sometimes the array ["answers"]…