Azure Deleting a function
I am trying to delete a function app so that I can recreate it but when I try to recreate it says it already exists This is the command I used to delete app az functionapp delete --name MyFunctionApp --resource-group…
I am trying to delete a function app so that I can recreate it but when I try to recreate it says it already exists This is the command I used to delete app az functionapp delete --name MyFunctionApp --resource-group…
Actually, I want to know that the problem is with the node version. I have a five-year-old React project that was run in the node-12 version, but now the version is updated for the node. I tried to create a…
I stumbled upon a good ADF template called Copy new files only by LastModifiedDate. This ADF templates allows to sync two Blob Storage but only one way A --> B. The templates works fairly well. The problem is that when…
In the past developing a Timer Triggered Azure Function I've used GetConnectionStringOrSetting from Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration to load connection strings, secrets and regular settings. It didn't matter where they lived, it would find them. But in migrating to .NET 8 I'm not…
I am setting up a CI/CD pipeline through Azure DevOps to test my Terraform code, my organization is planning on switching to CI/CD for our infrastructure. I am trying to validate Terraform in my Azure tenant through a Service Connection…
I need to pull the Runtime version of a Function app using APIs. Calling{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites?api-version=2023-12-01 Does not appear to provide this information. Calling{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/functions?api-version=2023-12-01 does not provide the information either. Does anyone have any guidance on how I can pull…
In my traces table, I've got messages like so: Incoming transaction: 0504250624105104 validated Incoming transaction: 0504250624105604 validated Incoming transaction: 0504250624105604 validated Incoming transaction: 0504250624105304 validated How can I find all non distinct/duplicate messages i.e. so the above returns only the…
I have a React app that is being deployed in Azure App Service through the Azure container registry so it is using a Docker image. It has been working up until last week when the startup of the app is…
Update on 25 June - 2 (SOLVED) How could I have been so foolish... I set up a secret generic and modified the deployment.yaml to assign variables. And it worked... To sum up my questions, all were caused by not…
I got "Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'}}" even if I have provided everything correctly. The problem for sure is not related with providing wrong Endpoints or Keys etc. I have installed "pip install openai==1.13.3"…