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Can linear gradient be used to create a polka dot texture in CSS?

Here is a gradient background: body { background: linear-gradient(to right, red , yellow); } and here is the polka dot css: body { background-color: #94fcc8; opacity: 1; background-image: radial-gradient(#7c7c50 0.9500000000000001px, transparent 0.9500000000000001px), radial-gradient(#7c7c50 0.9500000000000001px, #94fcc8 0.9500000000000001px); background-size: 38px 38px; background-position:…


Html – How can I replace a CSS body background image with randomly shown images on page refresh?

Replace a css body background image style with code that randomly shows images on refreshing page? This is the code that I want to replace <style> body{background: url('<?php echo $wo['config']['theme_url'];?>/img/welcome/background.png') !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;} </style> I am…

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