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Debian – How to extract columns from CSV file, process and create a CSV file based on the extract and processing result?

The is a snipped from the source CSV file. %status,date,job,project,start,end,description % //,18.03.2021,sib,sib-dede,07:00,15:00,dede-mongo % //,11.06.2021,sib,sib-dede,07:00,15:00,dede-mongo % //,24.06.2021,sib,sib-dede,07:00,15:00,dede-mongo % ?,02.08.2021,sib,sib-accounting,14:35,16:35,business-plan % ?,13.10.2021,sb,sb-accounting,11:30,12:00,e-mail-pump I like to extract from the source CSV file the start time in column 5 and the end time in…

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