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Iterate over files in folder, rename them and switch the nth occurence of a character with another character – CentOS

I need your help trying to understand how I could combine some actions to get to the expected results. So i have the following path, in which I have many files: /home/application/Upload_Actions/TestFiles/ Now, the files have the following name: DATE20220703.2130_Network=MainPipeline,Action=Upload_File,Element=X988Schema_1000_statsfile.csv…


How to Iterate Json key value pair and get the value and store in another json using Bash Script with JQ utility – Amazon web services

Im writing bash script for AWS Secret Manager . Question: I have one aws secret manager it will contain multiple secret Example: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id Example | jq -r ".SecretString" input.json {"Username":"admin","Password":"admin","Endpoint":"localhost","DatabaseName":"example","Port":"3306"} Using this command got a json output…


jq, getting an unknown parent node after finding it with one of its children value – Ubuntu

I have a complex (at least for me) issue with jq, and this structure : { "os": { "ubuntu": { "16.04": { "codename": "xenial", "bootstrap": "preseed", "guest_type": "ubuntu64Guest", "iso_name": "ubuntu-16.04.7-server-amd64.iso", "iso_checksum": "9bb30a2ea6466b0c02aacfa96f6e3516", }, "18.04": { "codename": "bionic", "bootstrap": "preseed", "guest_type":…


Change directory in BASH file – Ubuntu

A couple of questions related to .sh script file for Ubuntu. the following is my script: #!/bin/sh source /opt/fslc-x11/2.2.1/environment-setup-armv7at2hf-neon-fslc-linux-gnueabi echo "./ psplash-poky.png POKY" ./ psplash-poky.png POKY echo "autoreconf -vfi" autoreconf -vfi echo "./configure --host=x86_64-linux" ./configure --host=x86_64-linux echo "make" make echo…

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