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To remove base url – Artificial Intelligence

I wrote a python script to extract the href value from all links on a given web page: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup import urllib2 import re html_page = urllib2.urlopen("") soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page) for link in soup.findAll('a'): print link.get('href') When I…


Python JSONDecoderError – SEO

I am not to sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying to parse the specific contents within JavaScript. This is the output of "s" (for the code below it): <script type="text/javascript">window._sharedData = {"activity_counts":{"comment_likes":0,"comments":0,"likes":0,"relationships":0,"usertags":0},"config":{"csrf_token":"OIXAF5a6FwMQJj3vCaUQXCGUGL3sFb0Z","viewer":{"allow_contacts_sync":false,"biography":"Follow for the best social media…


How to crawl href – Python & beautifulsoup – SEO

I am currently crawling a web page ( using Python 3.4 and bs4 in order to collect the deeplinks of the respective activities. I found that the links are located in the html source like this: <a class="j_activity_item_link" href="/activity/1031-arashiyama-rickshaw-tour-kyoto/" class="j_activity_item_link"…

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