Blazor key press event and KeyCodes –
I am creating a control in a Razor Control Library. I am trying to only allow a few keys presses to be allowed in a text box. They are: Any number greater than 0. This is to include decimals The…
I am creating a control in a Razor Control Library. I am trying to only allow a few keys presses to be allowed in a text box. They are: Any number greater than 0. This is to include decimals The…
I want to change the child content of a button after click, but I got some error when I try. This code work but, obviusly, don't render the icon passed: <TelerikButton OnClick="@RevealPassword" Class="pass-btn" Primary="true" ButtonType="ButtonType.Button" Id="btnShowPwd" Title="Show"> @EyeIcon </TelerikButton> @code…
I have a Blazor Page with one View, but I want to use two ViewModels for that, depends on which URL I use. @page "/canSimStatic" @page "/CanSimDynamic" @using System.Diagnostics; @using edge_cantraficSimulator.Data @using edge_cantraficSimulator.ViewModels @using System.Threading; @using System.IO; @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering; @inject…
I'm developing an server-side Blazor-application, which uses EntityFramework-Core to create the Database (code-first). I want to use one of the models in an EditForm-component, but it throws an NullReferenceException on the _Host.cshtml, whenever I open the page, containing the EditForm-component.…
I am trying to figure out when I need to call StateHasChanged(). I know when changing the value via Javascript, and blazor component may need to be forced to render the page. In the following code, I have a method…
I'm trying to deploy my Web Api + Blazor WASM Project on an ubuntu server by SSH. My Blazor WASM project is referenced in my Web Api project and are sharing the same port. I followed this documentation from microsoft…
Using the most recent version of VS 2019 Community with SDK 5.0.101 I have created an Editform and I can see on the button submit action that all the properties of the model have valid values. I created the action…
This is in reference to #10450. Goal: Set meta tags (title, description etc) for SEO and Open Graph purposes with data coming from the page itself. Using the Javascript interop won't help as pages won't be able to be crawled.…