Xcode – Breaking a program for a specific condition
I am building a quadratic equation solver using c language and i want to stop the program if the user enters 0 as a value for a. How could i do that? I have tried using break in switch syntax…
I am building a quadratic equation solver using c language and i want to stop the program if the user enters 0 as a value for a. How could i do that? I have tried using break in switch syntax…
[why this erorr[enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ntWwk.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Hpxgh.png) i want to add migration Unable to create an object of type 'AppDbContext'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851728
How can i start Hangfire every 00 and 30 minutes? For Examle, i start project 13:20, Hangfire must start 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00 ... etc. I know how to start hangfire every 30 minutes expression ("*/30 * * * *")…
The code below is giving me problems on Windows Mingw32 but not on WSL Ubuntu. The delimiter is (char)32 (space). while (!feof(f)){ if(!fgets(line, LINE_LEN, f) || !*line || !strcmp(line, "n")) continue; word = strtok(line, &delim); printf("xdn"); while(word){ //printf("%sn",word);s add_item(h,word); word…
I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2022 (which license will end in 2 days) to create a website for my school project. I'm using the code-first method. Therefore I have already created my model classes and my context page. Here is…
I want to serialize a refresh token and send it to the client. Then on return, I want to deserialize and read it. Here's my code. using System.Text.Json; using System.Dynamic; using System; using System.Text.Encodings.Web; using System.Text.Unicode; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; dynamic token…
I am trying to use std::partition to partition a vector into multiple part based on whitespace. void solution2() { std::vector<string> v{ "10","20","","30","40","50","","60","70" }; auto i = begin(v); while (i != end(v)-1) { auto it = std::partition(i, end(v)-1, [](auto empty) {return…
I have a .net core web application with signalR elements which works pretty fine locally. When I publish the application on my host (windows server, plesk, .net framework 4.8), I get an error as follows: Error Backend using System; using…
I am having a JSON with a date time in MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss format, for example, 12/20/2000 10:30:00. The complete JSON will be something similar to this. [ { "id": 10001, "name": "Name 1", "date": "10/01/2022 00:00:00" }, { "id": 10002,…
I am new to logging in .Net and was trying to learn log4net as a logging tool. I am running into a problem which is I have created a log4net config file and trying to add values of logs into…