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Get partcular information from text file (C#) – Photoshop

I need a c# program which can split strings and copy some particular informations into another file. I've a text file like this: BRIDGE.V2014R6I1.SOFT icem.V4R12I2.SOFT mygale.V4R1I1.SOFT,patch01_MAJ_APL.exe photoshop.V2014R10I1.SOFT rhino.V5R0I1.SOFT,patch01_Update_Files.exe TSFX.V2R3I2.SOFT,patch01_corrections.exe,patch02_clock.exe,patch03_correction_tri_date.exe,patch04_gestion_chemins_unc.exe and I need only some of these information into another file…


C# Ebay API Post-Order check_eligibility using HttpWebRequest

I'm trying to use the check_eligibility call from the eBay Post-Order API in C# very unsuccessfully. Every time I get a bad response. Here is one way I've tried: string url = ""; HttpWebRequest cancelOrderRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); cancelOrderRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "TOKEN "…

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