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Ubuntu – Add struct to vector: "no matching constructor for initialization" error when compiling on macos

I'm using emplace_back to add structs to a std::vector as follows: struct ConfigurableShaderParameter { std::string variableName; std::string description; float defaultValue; float min; float max; float step; float value; }; std::vector<ConfigurableShaderParameter> parameters; std::string variableName, description; float defaultValue, min, max, step; //…


Visual Studio Code – QML plugin with static build

I have Qt compiled static, but when I run my application I get this error: qrc:/files/particles/particles.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Particles" plugin "particlesplugin" not found       import QtQuick.Particles 2.0       ^ My imports related to QML are these: import QtQuick 2.5 import…

VIEW QUESTION – I want to exit both foreach loop and while loop when opdnew<0

protected void btnOPDDetect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con1 = GetConnection(); SqlConnection con = GetConnection(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); double opdnew; string batchNo = lblIdforReport.Text; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select ExpenseSheetNo,FurtherDetail,FurtherDetailBy,Id,VoucherStatus,Convert(nvarchar(50),Date,106) As Date,ProcessType,ProgramDepartment,CompanyPerson,PreparedBy,RecommendedStatus,Convert(nvarchar(50),PreparedDate,106) As PreparedDate,SubmittedBy,Convert(nvarchar(50),SubmittedDate,106) As SubmittedDate,RecommendedBy,Convert(nvarchar(50),RecommendedDate,106) As RecommendedDate,FurtherDetailBy,Supervisior,TotalAmount…

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