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Bug on checkboxes in laravel livewire

I'm having a doble problems with my checkboxes on livewire component. I'm trying to save in my form's table two checkboxes. This checkboxes take their value in an other table named "Garde_type". Checkbox "home" save in my form's table the…


I am trying to pass in a DISABLED checkbox value to the controller, but it does not seem to be passed – Laravel

Below is the code to select all the server <input type="checkbox" id="all_maintenace" class="checkbox " style="vertical-align: middle;" name="all_chkb_maintenace" value=""> Maintenace All </th> Below is the code to select individually <input type="checkbox" id="maintenace_{{ $value->id }}" class="checkbox checkbox_maintenace" style="vertical-align: middle;" name="chkb_maintenace[]" value="{{ $value->id…

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