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Ajax call from click event issue – Jquery

Look at the HTML code below: <div class="user-avatar-wrapper"> <img class="profile-pic" src="/placeholder.png" alt="" /> <div class="upload-button"></div> <input class="file-upload" type="file" accept="image/*"/> </div> Now I want to trigger the file upload and call to ajax on the click by .upload-button. This is how…


How can I make a function that clicks in every child element of a div at the same time? – Jquery

I have a code like this: <div class="menuMesa"> <button class="chamad" id="chamad6">D6</button> <button class="chamad" id="chamad20">D20</button> <button class="chamad" id="chamad8">D8</button> <button class="chamad" id="chamad10">D10</button> <button class="chamad" id="chamad4">D4</button> <button class="chamad" id="chamad12">D12</button> </div> Then there is another button, and I want to make a function that…

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