how to change code style format on flutter
I am developing with Flutter using Android Studio. When I try to format the code using the Cmd + Opt + L keys, it ends up like #1 below. Is there a good way to make it look like #2?…
I am developing with Flutter using Android Studio. When I try to format the code using the Cmd + Opt + L keys, it ends up like #1 below. Is there a good way to make it look like #2?…
I'm trying to set up SonarQube to have our coding conventions/rules in it. I'm looking for ideas on how to do this best. We're using C# as our dev language and Visual Studio as our IDE. We have dozens of…
I tried running react-create-app (app_name) but ended up having a problem. I also tried cleaning the cache, --force, same issue. I tried deleting the node module file I previously had and reinstallingenter image description here but still ended up with…
I am learning HTML and CSS. Some teachers say that you should use lots of divs and classes, while others say the opposite, advising not to use too many divs and classes. Which one should I use? examples: <section class="section-pricing">…
I solved a problem using different approaches. I was wondering which approach is better. I believe in terms of time complexity, the first approach is more efficient, but the code is long and looks very messy, but it uses 1…
I have made this program in javascript for select checkboxes using shift key? Now I want to deselct it by single click? HTML <div class="inbox"> <div class="item"> <input type="checkbox" /> <p>This is an inbox layout.</p> </div> <div class="item"> <input type="checkbox"…
a) The book Clean Code from Robert C. Martin suggests to sort functions according to the "step down rule": We want the code to read like a top-down narrative. We want every function to be followed by those at the…
In the given JavaScript code snippet, there are two functions - handleClientError and handleServerError - that handle client-side and server-side errors, respectively. The handleError function is used to determine which error type needs to be handled based on the error…
I'm working with AWS SDK and was wondering if it is worth abstracting over it. By abstracting i mean: Creating a library where i would define interfaces for IQueue, IFileStorage, ... Creating implementations for those interfaces like SqsQueue for IQueue…
Whenever VSCode formats code, for almost all languages, it will insert spaces after the comment escape sequence (//, #, et cetera). Although this does not work for C code, I assume that this might be some kind of global setting.…