Grouping a collection IN LARAVEL
I have an array called $customerRecords. I want to group the data in this array by the customer's email. This is the array below $customerRecords = [ { "id": 1, "note": "This is note 1", "customer": [ { "id": 1,…
I have an array called $customerRecords. I want to group the data in this array by the customer's email. This is the array below $customerRecords = [ { "id": 1, "note": "This is note 1", "customer": [ { "id": 1,…
I have three Collections with the same keys and different numeric values, and I'd like to sum them together. e.g. $broadInventory = {'horse': 300, 'cow': 400, 'entropy': 400}; $ericaInventory = {'horse': 10, 'cow': 20, 'entropy': 30}; $johnsonInventory = {'horse': 5,…
foreach ($events_id as $id) { $vis = $visitors->where('event_id', $id); array_push($men, $vis->where('sex', 'male')->count()); array_push($women, $vis->where('sex', 'female')->count()); array_push($kids, $vis->where('sex', 'kids')->count()); } I have a collection of visitors and events IDs I want to check how many men - women - kids are…
I have Orders collection and iam getting the data from it as shown below: [ { "_id": "628216b7b30bb8aa80c8fd1a", "promotionsDetails": { "companyTotalPrice": 27, "promotionsData": [ { "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897f", "price": 27, "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a36" }, { "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897d", "price": 19, "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a32" }…
How is it possible to change numberOfItemsInSection parameter of a collection view? I have made a basic setup of a collection view. And now I try to make a button, that changes the amount of items in it. The general…
Using: ts-node: 10.7.0 MongoDB: 4.4.1 GraphQL: 16.3 I am trying to get a response back from a mongo db request. The request is successfully coming back, but typescript is throwing errors related to properties not existing on the type. I…
I would like to show a custom div after the 5th product in my collection in shopify. Does anyone know how I can do this in liquid?
I've a Symfony 4 project with User entity and SoldeConges Entity. An user has a SoldeConges collection. But when I dump the $user->getSoldeConges(), the collection is empty. My User entity : /** * @ORMOneToMany(targetEntity="AppEntitySoldeConges", mappedBy="user", orphanRemoval=true) */ private $soldeConges; /**…
I'm getting memory exhaustion error when executing mass action on a model with large amount of records. I'm trying to optimize this by setting an limit on the collection, however it seems that the full collection is loaded before the…
I am building a collection from a Facebook API response. $ads = new IlluminateSupportCollection; if (!$ads->has($insight[$key])) { $ads->put($insight[$key], [ 'ad_id' => $insight[AdsInsightsFields::AD_ID], 'ad_name' => $insight[AdsInsightsFields::AD_NAME], 'ctr' => (float)$insight[AdsInsightsFields::CTR], 'spend' => (float)$insight[AdsInsightsFields::SPEND], ]); } else { // Increment spend value here.…