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How to edit a file with SED? – Docker

I am running docker on a Virtual Machine on an Amazon AWS EC2 instance and I want to edit one file ( which lies in the following directory: root@e2afc27e858e:/score-client/conf/applications.proteries The docker image does not seem to contain vim/vi, nano or…


Android Studio – How can I launch Android Emulator without android studio on Mac M1

I'm trying to start the emulator with this command emulator -avd Pixel_4_API_30 but it gives me an error: [8633370112]:ERROR:android/android-emu/android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at ../emulator/lib64/qt/lib Could not launch '/Users/primulax/../emulator/qemu/darwin-x86_64/qemu-system-aarch64': No such file or directory Android Studio specs: Build #AI-203.7717.56.2031.7935034, built on…

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