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Get average of Integer values by comparing 2 different array based on their index – Ios swift

I'm stuck in this problem. Here is my Dictionary of arrays: {"Image":["22301657205688/Chin2231657205705u3zK.jpeg","22301657205688/Chin2231657205707k6HN.jpeg","22301657205688/Chin2231657205708Ip57.jpeg","22301657205688/Forehead2231657205693CbX9.jpeg","22301657205688/L Cheek2231657205697g8d4.jpeg","22301657205688/Nose22316572057008AGT.jpeg","22301657205688/Nose2231657205702k9OU.jpeg"],"OutputScore":[3,9,9,3,1,3,9],"TotalScore":5.285714285714286} I need to get the average number of OutputScore for the common Image name like Chin and Nose which are common in an array of Image. How…


ASP.NET Core Linq Compare Id and Sum value

I have a problem and unfortunately can not find the solution! This is my database: enter image description here and I would like to store all PaymentSum(double) [PaymentInformation] in the Total (double) [Document]. This is the SQL statement: Select SUM(PaymentSum)…


Redis – Compare differences after a specific character in a string

I have two input JSON files: torrance.json austin.json The files are way too long to post here, but they follow the form below: data_1 = { "accessibility-service": { "docmagic-prod-torrance": { "images": [ "", "" ] } }, "accessibilitycrawford-service": { "docmagic-prod-torrance":…

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